Where have you been?

The pandemic kind of fucked me up in some pretty serious ways. If you know me at all, you know I’m very open about my struggles with mental health. I had a mental breakdown, and stepped away from photography and music. I couldn’t do anything but survive for a really long time. But I’m here now, and I’m excited to get back to it.

If you only shoot film, how will I receive my photos?

Your film will be sent to one of my trusted film labs for processing and scanning. They will send me the high-res scans, I’ll review and make adjustments as needed, and then I’ll deliver them to you via email or Google Drive.

Do you develop your own film/Will you develop my film?

Currently my lab is closed. I hope to reopen one day.

Will you teach me how to develop film?

I’d be delighted. Reach out via the contact form.

So you don’t shoot digital photos at all?


Will you shoot digital photos on request?


Do you shoot video?

Not at this time.

What’s the usual turnaround time for image delivery?

7-10 business days.

How does touring with a mobile darkroom work?

I built a darkroom that can go anywhere I go. The build is completely custom as best suits my needs, and it is my pride and joy. I shoot during the day, then set up shop wherever we land that night. I typically work late into the night, past when everyone else has gone to sleep, to finish scan and edit work before the next day. It is absolutely a labor of love.

Why do you sometimes shoot “at cost” instead of free?

Because I shoot film. Film stock and film dev has a higher equipment cost than digital. But I WILL consult with each person/band on a case-by-case basis to determine a price that takes care of my costs and offers some sort of compensation without breaking the bank for either of us.